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Thursday, January 13, 2011
What is the meaning of the word "Church"?
Generally, the term that is translated into the word church is ekklesia. This term means - called out assembly. In the Greek it referred to a lawmaking assembly apart from the civil authority. This is expression is assumed to be fulfilled by the institutional church today. Is this explicitly so? As washed in His blood, redeemed, re-born, followers of Christ, we are the Body of Christ. In scripture, ekklesia- church- always refers to the Body of Christ. This Body is only made up of born-again disciples of Christ. One would have to admit that this description does not apply to all church attenders, or even all church members. The "church" is not a building, a meeting place, a denomination, a 501 (3)c non-profit corporation. It is a group of people. A living, breathing, manifestation of the life of Christ in the world, made of of His people. If one would allow that this is the case then what are the logical implications of that statement. We are commanded to not forsake gathering together. With whom are we to gather together? With the Body of Christ- of course. Does attending a meeting with non- believers fulfill this command? NO. Is church for the saved or unsaved? Given the definition of the church as the Body of Christ- the answer is obvious- the saved. Does this describe your church?? It matters not the rationalization- church is for evangelism, to preach the word so that they might hear and be regenerate, to serve our neighbors, etc. The answer is still- the gathering together is for those that belong to HIM! Can an unsaved person worship God? Again the answer is no. The gospel is foolishness to those that perish. There none righteous- no not one. There are none that seek after [Him]. Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Holy, means called out, separate. We are called to be Holy as He is Holy, in the world but not of it. are we to save sinners??You and the church don't and never will. God saves sinners, in His grace and mercy, not by our best efforts, smooth words, and slick programs. If we cannot correctly identify and differentiate between the church as it is-a man made institution- and the Body of Christ- a holy people sanctified unto Him and His works; how on earth do we expect the world to know the difference? We demonstrate our love of God by obedience to His will, NOT by doing what we think is right in our own minds. If we don't even know how to rightly define church, how will we ever discern what it is that we are supposed to be obedient to?